Gerald Stern

Lee-Ellen Marvin photo of Fred Muratori

photo: Stefani Karakas

Gerald Stern was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1925. His books of poetry include Last Blue: Poems (W.W. Norton & Company, 2000); This Time: New and Selected Poems (1998), which won the National Book Award; Odd Mercy (1995); Bread Without Sugar (1992), winner of the Paterson Poetry Prize; Leaving Another Kingdom: Selected Poems (1990); Two Long Poems (1990); Lovesick (1987); Paradise Poems (1984); The Red Coal (1981), Lucky Life, and Rejoicings (1973).


EPR #3:
Three poems from American Sonnets (to be published in April, 2002): September, 1999 // My Tenderness // Slash of Red





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