

Electronic Poetry Review was founded in 1995, by Katherine Hazzard and D. A. Powell. The final issue was published in January, 2008. The editors would like to thank all those who have contributed work and words to the journal over the years.


EPR 1-7: Katherine Hazzard & D. A. Powell
EPR 8: Katherine Hazzard, D. A. Powell & Xu Smith

Book Review Editor

EPR 6 & 7: Xu Smith

Technical Editors

EPR 1: Afan & Davi Ottenheimer
EPR 2-7
: Emily Johnston
EPR 8: Katherine Hazzard (& thanks to Sean Smith)

Editorial Assistants

EPR 4-6: Brooks Gervais
EPR 7: Melissa Poulsen


All questions should be sent to the editors at

Contents §Poetry § Interview 



EPR 1-7 § Contributors